Sandy Asto

Graphic Designer




If you want to build a future, you have to know what that future needs.

A lot of determination and willpower goes into what you need to get done first. Sandy knew that it would be a huge commitment to start down this path of the starving artist brigade. It would lead to debt in pursuing higher education after high school. It was a challenge worthwhile.

She attended Bergen Community College for two years for her Associate Degree in Arts and transferred to New Jersey City University for her Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design. She achieved this milestone goal with determination and vigorous passion to build her worth: with the mindset of:

You learn how to build new things along the way



Sandy’s second most challenging part of pursuing higher education is connecting with others.

Being surrounded by talented artists opened up a great opportunity for her to learn the art of networking. As such there was a comradeship, a mutual position to aid in building our repertoire together. As fellow students our end goal was and still is the same; which is to join the workforce and work in what we are passionate about.

Sandy believes people are walking stories

For example, there’s a version of your story out there in someone else’s life, it’s just told differently. Designed differently. Sandy loves learning from others via their stories because she believes that it is how the world can connect and understand one another’s paths. And that’s exciting!



She loves to aid in up-n-coming businesses

Particularly family owned mom-n-pop boutique shops. Community businesses are the best place to help bring attention to humble hard working businesses that get overlooked.

Sandy thrives at aiding family/friendly businesses that cater to their target audience with the client’s best interest in mind. To Sandy nothing is more rewarding than doing by the client a justice to their vision and standards.